Oscar Chavez

Project Showcase

I love making cool things and learning whenever I can!

ReactJS, VueJs, Flutter, Node.js, Express, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, NoSQL, GraphQL, AWS, GCP, Haskell and more.

View My Resume

Featured Project: Ethan Cowsky 3D Rendering

Artwork portfolio and e-commerce website

Explore and shop an impressive collection of 3D art renders by Ethan Cowsky. In collaboration with the talented 3D rendering and photography artist, I designed and developed a custom portfolio and e-commerce store to showcase and sell high-resolution artwork.

The project employs a cutting-edge tech stack, utilizing React for the frontend design, and Node.js with Express for the backend web server, backed by MongoDB as the database. Stripe integration handles smooth payment processing, while Heroku serves as the web hosting platform. For optimized website performance, I incorporated AWS S3 for asset storage and implemented "Serverless Image Handling" to dynamically rescale and process images on the fly.

To facilitate seamless content management, I secured an admin portal with bcryptjs, empowering the artist to effortlessly upload and edit their artwork for sale, from anywhere.

Technologies Used:
Front-end: React, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, and Bootstrap
Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Stripe, AWS S3 and bcryptjs

The Lift Tracker

Personalized workout logging and visualization app.

Introducing The Lift Tracker - Your Personalized Workout Logging and Visualization App! Keep track of your fitness journey with ease and efficiency. Create an account using Google OAuth and access your workout logs anytime, anywhere!

Technologies Used:
Front-end: React, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap, chart.js
Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
Authentication: Google OAuth 2.0 API, jsonwebtoken, bcryptjs

Haskell Tic-Tac-Toe

Purely functional command-line game.

Welcome to Haskell Tic-Tac-Toe - a Purely Functional Command-Line Game!

Engage in strategic gameplay with a two-player Tic-Tac-Toe challenge. Experience the power of Haskell's purely functional and strictly typed coding in this classic board game!

Exploring Haskell's purely functional paradigm taught me to write robust, error-resistant code without mutable state. Embracing the language's strictly typed nature and leveraging its powerful type system improved my problem-solving skills and code conciseness.

Dental Touch

Modern landing page for imaginary dental services.

Welcome to Dental Touch - A Modern Landing Page for Imaginary Dental Services. Dive into a visually stunning experience featuring image parallax scrolling, showcasing the modern design aesthetic of a top-notch dental company.

Technologies Used:
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript
Back-end: Node.js, Express.js


Music streaming landing page.

Welcome to Groupie - Your Destination for Music Streaming! This landing page sets the stage for an immersive mobile application that brings music to your fingertips. Explore the design ideals and experience the future of music streaming!

Technologies Used:
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript
Back-end: Node.js, Express.js


Personal decision-making assistant.

Welcome to Indecision, your personal decision-making assistant! Have trouble choosing where to eat, what to do on date night, or any other tough decisions? Let Indecision help you by choosing from your options and providing relevant results around you!

Technologies Used:
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery
Back-end: Node.js, Express.js
APIs: Google Search, Google Maps, Yelp API and Geolocation


Curated catalog and blog for camping spots.

Welcome to YelpCamp, a curated catalog of camping spots where adventure awaits! Discover a wide range of camping destinations with pricing, geolocation mapping, and user reviews. Whether you're a seasoned camper or new to the outdoors, YelpCamp has the perfect spot for your next adventure!

Technologies Used:
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript
Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB (NoSQL database), Mongoose, Passport.js, and Bcrypt.js
APIs: Google Maps API, Geolocation, Cloudinary
Version Control: Git, GitHub

RGB Color Picking Game

Fun web-based RGB color guessing game.

Welcome to the RGB Color Picking Game, a fun web-based game that hones your color identifying skills! Test your ability to guess the correct RGB additive color and challenge yourself to beat your high score!

Technologies Used:
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (Node.js)

Sound Bap - Interactive Audio-Visual Web App.

Immersive audio-visual web application.

Welcome to SoundBap, an interactive web application that combines custom vector graphics and audio playback to create an immersive and engaging user experience. Turn up the volume, start mashing your keyboard, and get ready for a frenzy of colors and sounds!"

Technologies Used:
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (Node.js)
Libraries: Paper.js (for custom vector graphics), Howler.js (for audio playback)

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." - Albert Einstein